I’m a pepper… but not for long. The Dr. Pepper lunchboxes I bought in bulk are metamorphosing into something much more sinister. (These boxes are being used as props in many of Rochester Movie Makers’ short films this summer.) First, all the shiny metal parts are masked off with blue tape. Then I break out […]
Community / Film Journal / Rochester Movie Makers / Trailers & Upcoming Films / Virgin Fang May 5, 2010
It’s film festival season again in Rochester, and this year’s 360 | 365 George Eastman House Film Festival looks pretty promising. I’ve been involved behind the scenes — I manage the website and I was on the short film panel — but there’s a ton of features I haven’t seen yet. I encourage all film […]
Click for a closer view. Here’s the artwork (so far) for the lunchbox props we’ll be using in the Rochester Movie Makers summer shorts. I’ve got a few things I still want to touch up, but I think it’s pretty close. But that’s only the beginning! At least two shorts are going to require additional […]
For this year’s Rochester Movie Makers Summer Shorts, we are introducing a linking motif. For those who wish to take part in a larger anthology film, our writers are incorporating a MacGuffin — in this case a red lunchbox. We wanted to give that lunchbox some personality, so I proposed some fictional branding. It’s important […]
I’ve heard many questions regarding Croquet The Musical lately. Questions like “Hey Mike, when do I get to see Croquet?” and “Are you going to put Croquet online?” and “Would you stop talking about Croquet already?” Well, here’s your chance to see it streaming right to your browser. But before you click, think about how […]
The last two years, I’ve taken part in the Rochester Movie Makers Summer Shorts Challenge. Two summers ago, I helped with a film called X-Girlfriend, and last year worked on The Wingman and Virgin Fang. This year will be my first time directing a summer short, one called “The Interrogation” written by yours truly. In […]
Croquet The Musical / Rochester Movie Makers February 25, 2010
Behold! And what’s a movie without a website, right? Click below to experience the agony and the ecstasy: http://maddogmovies.com/croquet CROQUET THE MUSICAL will be screening as part of a night of 72 Hour Films at the Little Theatre on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010. The RMM 72 Hour Mind 2 Movie Exhibition and Awards Ceremony The […]
Croquet The Musical / Rochester Movie Makers February 23, 2010
If you’ve been following my Facebook feed ( http://facebook.com/mikeboas ) you’ve probably seen some cryptic messages about croquet in the last week. It all came about because writer Mike Russo and myself headed up a team for the Rochester Movie Makers 72 Hour Mind 2 Movie Challenge. As you can imagine, this involved writing, rehearsing, […]
Community / Skeletal Remains / Subterranea / Virgin Fang October 25, 2009
Meanwhile, in Rochester, two of my films will be playing as part of The Little Theatre’s 25 Hour Horror Feast. The event starts Halloween Eve with a zombie walk, followed by a marathon of horror movies that continues through Halloween. A special horror-themed edition of Rochester’s Emerging Filmmakers Series will play that Saturday afternoon at […]
Rochester filmmakers Mike Russo and Derrick Petrush have posted the trailer for the slasher parody, “One Kill.” It’s a hysterical horror comedy short produced as part of last year’s Rochester Movie Makers summer challenge. I was not involved in the production, but this gives me an excuse to post the poster image I made for […]