So what else went on at the convention? Well, there were tons of outside-the-mainstream actors there to meet with fans. Besides Reggie Bannister (mentioned in part one) there was Kane Hodder, Eileen Dietz, Sybil Danning, and a swarm of Night of the Living Dead actors. I didn’t stay for Saturday night or Sunday, so I […]
Yes, Ohioans (Ohioites? Ummm… people from Ohio) seem to be swimming in horror hosts, and most were in attendance at Cinema Wasteland with videos to sell. Personally, I spoke with Son of Ghoul, Dr. Shock, Butch Cleaver, and all the way from California, Doktor Goulfinger. There were others there as well, including Dr. Mor B.S. […]
I’m not big on attending fan conventions, but I decided to make an exception for Cinema Wasteland this April. Aside from having dealers tables and opportunities to ask B-movie icons for autographs, the non-stop screenings of trashy movies sounded interesting. The opportunity to see my own fan film, Jason: The Rebirth, with an audience was […]
So what exactly happened with my old webhost? Well, in mid-March Cyberpixels moved my site from Wintermute servers (whatever that means) to a more reliable server to help correct the downtime I was having. That worked okay for several weeks. Then the site went down for several hours on April 5th. I wrote to them […]
I have long considered changing over from the forum structure to a more trendy weblog. When I set up the Mad Dog Message Boards in the summer of 2004, I had several reasons for going that way. 1) I like being able to post multiple times on the same topic, with the thread remaining in […]
Dread Central and Unfilmable.com were kind enough to run stories about my restoration of “H.P. Lovecraft’s The Other Gods” on April 1st. This sparked a bit of controversy among the fans. See some discussions on the Horror Channel Boards and over at MovieManiacs.net Another discussion: Call of Cthulhu Forum
“Jason: The Rebirth” is a modest fan film that was created for entry in the 2003 ManiaFest competition. The judges liked it quite a bit, awarding it second place (with a cash prize!). The producers of the Friday the 13th DVD box set were sponsoring the competition, and for a while it looked like they […]
What every filmmaker should know about the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival Here’s a series of messages taken from the Webcinema NY list. I try to warn people away from the NYIIFV festival whenever possible, so I’m posting the conversation here to keep filmmmakers informed.
Getting your DVD listed on Amazon.com is important, but it’s only the beginning. How would the average surfer find your item? Would they want to buy it if they know nothing about it? Here’s what I’ve learned through promoting our “It Came From Animatus” DVD.