So what exactly happened with my old webhost?

Well, in mid-March Cyberpixels moved my site from Wintermute servers (whatever that means) to a more reliable server to help correct the downtime I was having.

That worked okay for several weeks. Then the site went down for several hours on April 5th. I wrote to them to ask what was up. They said:

“It appears that when the server was rebooted, it came up with a kernel panic. Unfortunately there has been software failure. Don’t worry all of your data will remain unchanged. We are in the process of an operating systems reload. Your site will be up and active asap. We appreciate your patience on this matter. I can assure you we have been working as hard as possible on this today.”

And that was the last I heard from them. I wrote two days later to see why the site wasn’t up yet. They didn’t reply, so I jumped ship.

Sure, I could have called their service number, but I’ve on the fence about leaving for a while now. There was a lot of bad buzz about them earlier this year when they changed hands. I’ve heard other web people say to be wary of low low priced hosts — for $5.95 a month you get what you pay for.

I jumped on Hostgator cuz I’ve heard good things about them and their customer service is reported to be top notch.

  1. Kernel panic? I had that once when I burnt a bag of popcorn in my microwave and couldn’t get the smell out of the house for weeks. I wrote a song about it. I am currently trying to find a studio that will produce my screenplay. No bites yet. I’m not worried.