Back before I started this blog thing, I looked into other places like Blogger, LiveJournal, and MySpace. I wasn’t crazy about any of them at first. I actually signed up for MySpace, and was immediately receiving messages from total strangers who wanted to be my “friends.”

Well, that didn’t make much sense to me. I just wanted a blog.

So I ignored MySpace for awhile. I wrote it off as being a thing for kids and people looking for internet love. Then I started seeing more and more of my indie film contacts had pages there. Film festivals, bands, and TV shows have MySpace identities. So I began to see it as a way to market my projects and network with like-minded folks.

I’m still not crazy about the site, but I’m giving it a try. Too many people have UGLY pages with multiple video and audio files popping up and interfering with each other. I hate the obnoxious banner ads that are a requirement at the top of each page. It’s really difficult to get around the pre-programmed templates, too. Forgive me for not wanting to advertise my Zodiac sign and marital status, but it seems unprofessional. (On the other hand, I’ve got a really goofy picture of myself up there, so what does that say?)

According to a recent article at WebProNews, the site has 32 million registered users. And I’m not sure if I believe this, but the article also states that “ is the fourth most visited domain on the Internet, trailing only Yahoo!, MSN, and eBay.” When I do a search for on, the site comes in at 59, just ahead of MapQuest. Still not too shabby.

So, mosey on over to to see what I’ve done with my real estate. Maybe it’s not as cool as some (see The Horror Channel, Masters of Horror, Nine Inch Nails, and The Family Guy) but at least it’s easy to read.