The best show to watch for film industry analysis is AMC’s Sunday Morning Shootout. They actually talk about the business of filmmaking and marketing, sometimes with executives, but also with big stars.

This past week was their Comic-Con episode. They packed in more interviews than usual, and with some big names from genre films. Most conversations centered around how Hollywood is using the convention to their advantage. Early adopters (of the geek or fanboy variety) get to sample upcoming movies, and in return the films themselves get some advance buzz going.

> David Glanzer, Comic-Con’s Director of Marketing and Public Relations
> Kate Beckinsale and husband/director Len Wiseman
> Charlize Theron
> Avi Arad
> Joss Whedon

> Life size “Boomstick” Ash statue
> Cowboy Bebop “Spike” figurine
> Yoda statue in the style of the animated Clone Wars
> The Ghost Rider motorcycle
> Posters for Aeon Flux, Serenity, and The Amazing Screw-on Head
> The Elvis Storm Trooper

Click here to watch the episode online. To catch the downloads on a weekly basis, visit and scroll down to the bottom, then click on “Sunday Morning Shootout.”

  1. Mike,
    I volunteered at Wizard World Chicago this year. Great time, and got to see Sansweet talk about the upcoming Star Wars tv shows. Kevin Smith was there as was Frank Miller. Oh… and a lot of freaks. My kind of shindig. Why did I post that here? Fate.

  2. Is that associated with Wizard magazine? It was probably more about comics than Comic-Con has been lately.

    Sansweet had an obsession and turned it into a career. I remember first reading about him about 15 years ago. He had just added a floor onto his house to make room for more Star Wars collectibles. This was years before he became a spokesperson for Lucasfilm.

    As for Frank Miller, I wouldn’t mind meeting him. He’s brought real innovation to comics and movies. I never read the Sin City books, but I loved his Batman stuff and the graphic novel Ronin. I love the fact that Rodriguez encouraged him to co-direct — his argument was that through the art in his comics, he was already a director.

    I haven’t been to a lot of these conventions — I guess I prefer to geek out at home. I’ll probably be going to the Rue Morgue Festival of Fear later this month, though.