Animation ALIVE!

Learn Stop-Motion Animation! Make movies with a webcam or mobile device!

Mad Dog Movies goes on the road with the  ANIMATION ALIVE set-up.

Our demonstrations include two animation stations. The first uses a top-down shooting rig, made for use with a camera phone and animation app STOP MOTION STUDIO. The other is a table-top set, with webcam and Aardman’s ANIMATE-IT software running on PC.

Participants get the opportunity to learn stop-motion animation and see their movies projected.

Animation Alive has presented at the following:

  • Rochester Mini-Maker Faire
  • Wellsville Twin Tiers Expo
  • FLX Maker Fest

See more Animation Alive films on Youtube.

Learn animation and filmmaking from
Mike Boas of Mad Dog Movies

These animation stations are portable!
Mike can tutor filmmakers in the following:

  • Stop-motion Animation
  • Hand-drawn Animation
  • Miniature sets
  • Making characters
  • Scriptwriting
  • Editing
  • Even shooting live action!

Mike Boas has been making movies in Rochester for over twenty-five years. His animation has played in festivals around the world. He writes and edits for live action films as well!

Ask about home visits for groups of one to four students, all ages.

Email: info AT maddogmovies DOT com