The screenwriting software from John August, Highland, got a new version this week. (It’s now called Highland Pro.) Unfortunately, it’s moved to a subscription model. I gladly paid a one-time fee for Highland 2 a few years ago… which I suppose I’ll never be able to install again? Still a fine program with some interesting […]
A producer I was talking to online was curious about how to format his screenplay in which 90% of his dialogue was song lyrics. Should it be like the script for Les Miserables or Pink Floyd’s The Wall? I thought the discussion was worth blogging about here. Opera or Music Video? In opera, all dialogue […]
Off and on over the last decade, I’ve been outlining a screenplay concept called GAMERS. When I started writing, I even did a series of blog entries covering the process. (It’s easier to write about writing than to do the actual writing, of course.) I’m getting back into this project, so consider this a recap […]
How do you get group feedback on a feature script in the early stages? So far, it’s been by sharing 5-10 pages at a time with my writers group. But what about the structure? Am I sure it’s going to work? Is it possible to share an entire outline with the group? That was my […]
With the new feature Red State, filmmaker Kevin Smith is bypassing the studios, instead roadshowing the picture himself. Over at Script Shadow, Carson Reeves predicts a time when the entire filmmaking process will be transparent. “At some point I expect this to trickle down to the development stage. If you developed your script openly, providing […]
How do I start this blog up again? Obviously, my original plan to write Gamers in a month was derailed. I got involved in other projects and Gamers went on the shelf. Last summer, I shared what I had written with the Rochester Movie Makers Writers Workshop. It got my juices going again, showed me […]
Today’s scene? Pillow talk and an abrupt exit. For those keeping score, I’m way behind on pages. I’m pushing ahead anyway. Maybe I’ll catch up by the end of the month, maybe not, but at least I wrote 3 pages tonight! It’s interesting. I have an outline, but I got to a fork in the […]
Okay, I’m only two lines into page 10, but that’s how I’m counting it. My plans for a big fat writing weekend fizzled, partly because I was working on cartoons, but mostly because I was watching television. Evil, evil television. On the plus side, it turns out Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse really does get better 6 […]
I’m learning to ignore the fear and just do it. So far I’ve failed at waking up and writing before work, but at least I forced myself to sit down tonight. What makes it easier is the outline. I know what has to happen in each scene. I just have to invent characters and words […]
The first two pages represent a head start, something I wrote a year ago. You can read along on the “script in progress” page or download the PDF from the link below. gamers090401.pdf