The screenwriting software from John August, Highland, got a new version this week. (It’s now called Highland Pro.) Unfortunately, it’s moved to a subscription model. I gladly paid a one-time fee for Highland 2 a few years ago… which I suppose I’ll never be able to install again? Still a fine program with some interesting […]
My short screenplay for this year’s Script-A-Palooza was inspired by a fake poster that Wayne Coughlin dreamed up. Given an image of a man underwater with a comedic tagline, I came up with a cross-genre piece. It weaves together elements of relationship drama, Godzilla action, and Marx Brothers comedy. Read “In Deep” (PDF)
I had a great time talking movies with Matt Ehlers on his show, Eggwork Radio, on WAYO 104.3 Thursday morning. Check it out below!
For this year’s Mind 2 Movie Challenge, a few of us RMM board members decided to make shorties that would not be judged, just for fun. The challenge was to include the following: A character named Bruce or Bryce Lemon, who has a secret. A clock. The line “This has never happened before.” Then pick […]
It had to happen sooner or later! My winning streak at the Rochester Movie Makers annual screenplay contest was broken this year when I came in second to Curt Markham’s jaw-droppingly good “Up the River.” (Now if I could convince him to actually shoot that script, that would be something!) My short script is called […]
If you’re watching RCTV-15 on Time Warner Cable in Rochester this week, you may catch an episode of the RMM Director’s Forum featuring yours truly. I sat down with Stan Main, chairperson of Rochester Movie Makers, to discuss Mind Rip, 3.14, and other film projects with which I’ve been involved. I initially hesitated to do […]
For the third consecutive year, a short script by yours truly has won at Rochester Movie Makers Script-A-Palooza. There were 9 screenplays read (performed!) that night by our troupe of talented actors. I was impressed with the continuing quality from our small community. The dramatic pieces were really strong, too, which doesn’t always come across […]
Philrose Productions / Rochester Movie Makers / Work August 8, 2011
What’s been going on with Mike lately? When last I blogged, I was pushing Mind Rip’s Kickstarter campaign. Well, that fundraising tactic fell short, but that doesn’t mean we’re not making the movie any way possible. We’re continuing to shoot the first half hour of the film (which are relatively low on special effects). Thanks […]
It’s only been a short time since my last compilation post, and already I’ve got new projects to sum up. UNMASKED Mike Russo and I found ourselves making another 72 Hour film for the Mind 2 Movie Challenge. This year’s improv elements: a closet clown, a bunch of bills, and a hostage situation. We’ll be […]
General / Philrose Productions / Rochester Movie Makers / Virgin Fang / Work January 18, 2011
It’s about time for a run-down of my current projects. AIRPORT SHENANIGANS To begin with, I’ve been fielding comments from family and friends who’ve seen my face on giant screens at the airport. No, it’s not security related, it’s a short movie called Virgin Fang written and directed by Mike Russo. (I play Draculess, the […]