The trailer for Elijah Drenner’s latest documentary, That Guy Dick Miller, is now online. Featuring animation by yours truly!
Sure is cold out there.
Truly an epic that needs to happen.
Something new for the new year! A series of animated GIFs by me, mostly of goofy characters.
Back in January, John Vincent and I decided to resurrect our almost-but-not-quite-forgotten podcast by interviewing friend and colleague Michael Del Rossa. (Michael has worked on everything from small indie films to big productions like I Am Legend.) And then the unedited audio sat in my computer for another several months. What can I say, I’ve […]
There’s a website called Scripted.com that acts as a go-between for bloggers and writers. It works like this: a blog-runner wants content in a certain field. He or she posts a request on Scripted.com, asking for article pitches. Writers who have been vetted for that field are allowed to pitch on the job. If awarded […]
It had to happen sooner or later! My winning streak at the Rochester Movie Makers annual screenplay contest was broken this year when I came in second to Curt Markham’s jaw-droppingly good “Up the River.” (Now if I could convince him to actually shoot that script, that would be something!) My short script is called […]
If you’re watching RCTV-15 on Time Warner Cable in Rochester this week, you may catch an episode of the RMM Director’s Forum featuring yours truly. I sat down with Stan Main, chairperson of Rochester Movie Makers, to discuss Mind Rip, 3.14, and other film projects with which I’ve been involved. I initially hesitated to do […]
Philrose Productions / Trailers & Upcoming Films / Work September 9, 2012
Remember 3.14? This is the movie I went to the desert for as A.D. and then spent last year editing. 3.14 is a surreal film from writer/director G. Gotham Smith that asks if there is a mathematical constant that determines why some people never learn from their mistakes, but instead go through life in circles, […]
What’s going on with Mind Rip? Something strange and serpentine. Visit mindripmovie.com to find out more. Stop Motion Scaresnake – Raw Animation with Motion Blur from Mike Boas on Vimeo.