
  • Hero of the Underworld – Rochester Premiere Screening

    Join us this Friday, October 28, 9 PM at the Pittsford Cinema, for a one night theatrical event: a screening of Hero of The Underworld, a dramatic feature film shot entirely in and around Rochester, NY. The film, directed by John Vincent, stars Tom Malloy (The Alphabet Killer), Quinton Aaron (The Blind Side), Nicole Fox […]

  • Superbeast Explained

    This past weekend, I attended the latest Saturday Night Rewind event at the Little Theatre in Rochester. This happened to be a 35mm screening of The Warriors, hosted by Joe Bob Briggs. (More about the show here and here.) I’ve written before about my admiration for Joe Bob and how influential his books and Monstervision […]

  • Rochester Indie Radio

    My interest in radio goes back to making mixtapes as a kid, which unexpectedly led into deejaying at SUNY Geneseo’s WGSU and producing shows at 96.5 WCMF. Lately, that interest has been satisfied by podcasts — both by listening to and creating them. These days, I hardly listen to radio at all because I have a phone […]

  • Rubber Onion Battle: Handshake Fail

    The Rubber Onion Podcast is a weekly show hosted by animators Stephen Brooks and Rob Yulfo. I happened upon the show early this year when they did a crossover with another favorite show of mine, Animation Ninja. Each month, Brooks puts a call out for 15 second short entries in the “Rubber Onion Battle” on […]

  • Silhouette Animation

    Today’s Google Doodle is a salute to Lotte Reiniger, pioneer of silhouette animation. The animator of the doodle actually built a multi-plane camera! Ten years ago, I produced an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s The Other Gods, done in a style inspired by Lotte Reiniger. I actually have been working on an HD version, which will […]

  • 4K Animation

    For this year’s Mind 2 Movie Challenge, a few of us RMM board members decided to make shorties that would not be judged, just for fun. The challenge was to include the following: A character named Bruce or Bryce Lemon, who has a secret. A clock. The line “This has never happened before.” Then pick […]

  • Rondo Award goes to stuff I worked on!

    I’m pretty pleased to be part of these two projects, which were honored by the Rondo Hatton Awards this year. Not only did the Army of Darkness Collector’s Edition win best Classic DVD/Blu-ray of 2015, but THE MAKING OF ARMY OF DARKNESS (for which I provided animation) won BEST DVD EXTRA. Meanwhile, another documentary I worked on, […]

  • Keep them doggies rollin’

    Dogtown is the best hot dog place in Rochester, and I’m not just saying that because my friend Chris Nakis is co-owner! Chris is also a producer, and he’s currently doing a documentary about his two main interests: photography and bow-hunting. They have more in common than you’d think! For the doc, which also touches […]

  • Rondo Hatton Awards

    For several years, I’ve kept my eye on the Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards, honoring fan favorites in horror films, video releases, television, books, journalism, conventions, and more. This year, I’m happy to be represented on the ballot twice! THAT GUY DICK MILLER is nominated for best documentary, and Army of Darkness: MEDIEVAL TIMES for […]

  • Mike vs Evil Dead

    Here’s a little something I did for Red Shirt Pictures’ documentary on the making of Army of Darkness, out now on Blu-Ray from Shout! Factory. Working on this was a real honor. The Evil Dead films were hugely influential on me, helping to define what I loved about horror and humor, and then influencing me […]