It’s official! After many delays, work on “The Other Gods” is now complete. Not only that, the film will be screening at the 2006 H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland Oregon. I received a “telegram” from the festival announcing the utter horror the projectionist suffered at having seen the film, which was a real nice […]
I was quite pleased to open my email this morning and find a message from Sergio Gaviño, who writes for Spain’s CineFantastico.com. He informed me that Jason: The Rebirth was ranked number three in their article on the 12 Best Fan Films online. It’s rewarding to even be considered for such a list, which contains […]
I’m all Comic-Conned out, and I didn’t even go. After listening to podcasts from Reel Horror, Geekdrome, and Diggnation, I barely had enough energy to track down these vids… Simpsons: The Movie Shortly after Comic-Con unveiled animatics from the Simpsons movie, the clips appeared online. Funny as they were, they disappeared from YouTube mighty quickly. […]
Where do I go to find out about the “new” cult movies? Dave Davis over at CHUD does the research I don’t have the time for. Since I find CHUD’s method of archiving Dave’s Underground difficult to use, here’s a running index of the columns for easy access. May 2004 http://chud.com/davesunderground/1170 Dave digs deep in […]
My trip to the Philly Film Festival was brief this time around. At 9 bucks a ticket, it’s tricky to pick something worthwhile. I was only in town on April 10th and 11th, so here’s what I took in. Evil Aliens, directed by Jake West This movie had a great reputation, but it turned out […]
Little known facts about podcasting: 1) It’s just another name for audio content in MP3 form. 2) You don’t need an Ipod. 3) You don’t need Itunes (usually). 4) Even if you use Itunes, most content is free. And you still don’t need an Ipod. I started listening to this stuff before ever buying an […]
“Jason: The Rebirth” now has a listing at Fanfilms.net. It’s a great directory of fanfilms, with links to filmmakers’ websites and online content. Visit www.fanfilms.net
The Lord of the Rings was a big success and based on a popular fantasy series. Naturally, some producers have looked around for similar properties to adapt in the hopes of riding the fantasy wave. We’ve already seen the first Narnia chronicle adapted, as well as several Tolkien documentaries and reissues of the animated LOTR […]
I haven’t done a report about the absurd throw-away joke cases from E.R. in a while. I’m not sure if that’s because there haven’t been any, or I just haven’t been paying attention. Anyway, tonight they had a man who apparently identified a bit too much with 80s icon Mr. T. He was wearing a […]
Hmmm… the Philly Film Fest. I missed it last time, but I just might make the drive down for the second weekend of this year’s festival. If I crash my sister’s place for a few days, I could take in Tokyo Zombie: Japanese horror-comedy at its most outlandish, this hilarious parody of zombie movies features […]