Behold, the teaser for Live Free or Die Hard: http://www.jurassicpunk.com/movies/livefreeordiehard.shtml
How narcissistic can you get? Anyway, I love photoshop. Here I am in full silent movie mode. (Click the pics for a bigger view.)
As the Special Edition DVD of The Other Gods takes shape, a vital component is lacking… We’d like to include subtitles for non-English speaking persons. If you love Lovecraft and can translate (accurately) into Spanish, French, Italian, or German, we need your help! If you’d like to donate your time and expertise, please write to […]
I meant to get this done sooner, but what can you do when you have five active movie projects and an addiction to prime time TV to take up your time? Anyway, here’s my somewhat belated recap of this year’s H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, Oregon… I had a great time at this annual […]
The opening to this year’s Simpsons Treehouse of Horror (# 17 !) is online now at Fox Atomic It makes me wonder, what is Fox Atomic, anyway? It appears to be a YouTube for legit Fox material, but there’s also a user video aspect to it as well. I’ll have to make a profile and […]
I’ve had my eye on the After Dark Horrorfest site for a couple months. They said they’d be unrolling a national film fest for one weekend only in hundreds of theaters. And now that their website has been updated, it looks like a crazy good time. The Horrorfest website (at http://www.horrorfestonline.com ) has been updated […]
After some confusion about screenings in Rochester, it now looks like Regal Culver Ridge will be hosting this experiment in horror distribution. Times are subject to change. I’m only reporting here what I found on www.horrorfestonline.com and www.fandango.com I don’t see anything at Fandango about buying a weekend pass, but individual tickets can be purchased […]
During my weekend in Portland for the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, I spoke to a few people who would be missing Sunday night, the night my short was playing. The last night of any film festival usually has less attendance, since many film-goers cut out for travel reasons or out of sheer exhaustion. I steeled […]
Rochester composer Keith Handy has really outdone himself with his soundtrack for The Other Gods. As the producer, I wanted the feel of a classic silent film that later gave way to a more contemporary sound. Keith rose to the challenge and gave me an eerie mix of piano, synthesized sound, and distorted guitar for […]
Animate This! / Subterranea / The Other Gods October 1, 2006
The trailer for the 2006 release of “The Other Gods” is now online. Visit YouTube to see it yourself.