The screenwriting software from John August, Highland, got a new version this week. (It’s now called Highland Pro.) Unfortunately, it’s moved to a subscription model. I gladly paid a one-time fee for Highland 2 a few years ago… which I suppose I’ll never be able to install again? Still a fine program with some interesting […]
Getting a team of animation artists to all draw the same is a challenge. Aside from model sheets, a style guide can help with that. I saw excerpts from the King of the Hill style guide posted recently, and it reminded me of the Simpsons one I saw years ago. Here are some links: KING […]
A producer I was talking to online was curious about how to format his screenplay in which 90% of his dialogue was song lyrics. Should it be like the script for Les Miserables or Pink Floyd’s The Wall? I thought the discussion was worth blogging about here. Opera or Music Video? In opera, all dialogue […]
After reading Inside Netflix’s bet on advanced video encodingx at The Verge, I got to thinking about my early days interacting with video compression. From the time I created my first video clips for the internet, the act of managing quality versus bitrate has been a real challenge. This escalated once I had to author […]
Another filmmaker recently asked me where he should post his short films. What’s the best way to get them to an audience, perhaps make some money? Vimeo Pro used to be an okay option, but Vimeo has pivoted to being B2B OTT company. (Marketing to businesses, encouraging them to start their own over-the-top streaming services […]
I recently had the chance to see the Mickey Mouse short The Band Concert (1935) with a film festival audience at Rochester’s Nitrate Picture Show. It played like gangbusters! The festival program made mention of two previous films that were an influence on the short, Disney’s Barnyard Concert (1930) and Fliescher’s Tree Saps (1931). I […]
Have you ever seen animation quite like this? I was excited to discuss this fantastic, at times creepy, animated film in a panel from the “virtual” Little Theatre on May 19. I was joined by animators Fred Armstrong and John Vincent, along with moderator Matt DeTurck of The Little Theatre. In this surrealist docu-horror-fairy tale, […]
One night only! The definitive documentary on Quentin Tarantino! October 21 at 7pm in select theatres. Greetings! I’m happy to announce that the big secret documentary I’ve been creating animation for is now being released to theaters. That’s right, QUENTIN TARANTINO: THE FIRST EIGHT will be a one-night-only Fathom Event. So if you’ve ever loved a […]
Off and on over the last decade, I’ve been outlining a screenplay concept called GAMERS. When I started writing, I even did a series of blog entries covering the process. (It’s easier to write about writing than to do the actual writing, of course.) I’m getting back into this project, so consider this a recap […]
Now live on the internet is RECYCLE ME, a 30 second spot for North Country Recycles. Matthew White of 4th Coast Productions hired John Vincent and me to design the puppets and shoot stop motion, with Aaron Powell of Luna Digital handling the lip sync, CG staging, and compositing. Watch the commercial below: When Matt […]