After looking through my blog archives, it turns out I never posted here about the H.P.Lovecraft Literary Podcast. (It must have slipped my mind when I was posting over at Unfilmable.com back in December.) Listening to the podcast is like reading Lovecraft with sarcastic (yet intelligent) footnotes. What turned me on to it was episode […]
Croquet The Musical / Rochester Movie Makers February 25, 2010
Behold! And what’s a movie without a website, right? Click below to experience the agony and the ecstasy: http://maddogmovies.com/croquet CROQUET THE MUSICAL will be screening as part of a night of 72 Hour Films at the Little Theatre on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010. The RMM 72 Hour Mind 2 Movie Exhibition and Awards Ceremony The […]
Croquet The Musical / Rochester Movie Makers February 23, 2010
If you’ve been following my Facebook feed ( http://facebook.com/mikeboas ) you’ve probably seen some cryptic messages about croquet in the last week. It all came about because writer Mike Russo and myself headed up a team for the Rochester Movie Makers 72 Hour Mind 2 Movie Challenge. As you can imagine, this involved writing, rehearsing, […]
Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated has been nominated for a Rondo Award! Lovers of animation and horror alike can vote for NOTLD:R as Best Independent Production of 2009. The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards are highly revered in the independent horror community. The voting is open to anyone! I highly encourage you to vote, […]
Great news! The documentary American Grindhouse (for which I provided some animated “film burn” titles) will be premiering next month at South by Southwest in Austin, TX! Dates have been confirmed for: Saturday, March 13th at 9 pm Tuesday, March 16th at 10 pm It’s terrific documentary about the history of exploitation film in America. […]
Animate This! / Community / NOTLD:R / Subterranea February 9, 2010
We all like going behind the scenes, right? When Mike Schneider, director of the Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated project, asked me to contribute a featurette to the upcoming DVD release, I was afraid I wouldn’t have the time to do so. Well, last week I gathered strength and put together a 6 minute […]
Philrose Productions / Trailers & Upcoming Films February 2, 2010
I am a man of many projects, a spinner of many plates, a weaver of many websites. In addition to my work at Animatus Studio, I work with writer/director John Vincent on developing his horror feature scripts. Today, we launched new Philrose Productions website, online at philrosefilms.com . I’ve been eager to leave behind the […]
I’ve had it with pretending I know everything. At least once a day, I get stumped by something I want to do, but Photoshop won’t let me. Or Premiere. Or Final Cut. Sure, I could look it up in the instructions. I could Google it. I could post questions on message boards. But I’ve done […]
Last week’s beige and gray design has been kicked aside like a tumbleweed. Now we have something simple, yet striking. It’s got the black and red and white scheme I’m so fond of, but the really special bit is the header. The sliding images which make up the menu can take visitors to any section […]
I’ve created a monster! I’ve stitched the Mike Boas blog back into the front page of Mad Dog Movies. The theme is most likely temporary, a work in progress. I’d like the video player to be prominent, but using Vimeo has its drawbacks. No iPhone support, for example. There was a time when I wanted […]