Sure is cold out there.
Truly an epic that needs to happen.
Something new for the new year! A series of animated GIFs by me, mostly of goofy characters.
Back in January, John Vincent and I decided to resurrect our almost-but-not-quite-forgotten podcast by interviewing friend and colleague Michael Del Rossa. (Michael has worked on everything from small indie films to big productions like I Am Legend.) And then the unedited audio sat in my computer for another several months. What can I say, I’ve […]
There’s a website called Scripted.com that acts as a go-between for bloggers and writers. It works like this: a blog-runner wants content in a certain field. He or she posts a request on Scripted.com, asking for article pitches. Writers who have been vetted for that field are allowed to pitch on the job. If awarded […]
It had to happen sooner or later! My winning streak at the Rochester Movie Makers annual screenplay contest was broken this year when I came in second to Curt Markham’s jaw-droppingly good “Up the River.” (Now if I could convince him to actually shoot that script, that would be something!) My short script is called […]
If you’re watching RCTV-15 on Time Warner Cable in Rochester this week, you may catch an episode of the RMM Director’s Forum featuring yours truly. I sat down with Stan Main, chairperson of Rochester Movie Makers, to discuss Mind Rip, 3.14, and other film projects with which I’ve been involved. I initially hesitated to do […]
Philrose Productions / Trailers & Upcoming Films / Work September 9, 2012
Remember 3.14? This is the movie I went to the desert for as A.D. and then spent last year editing. 3.14 is a surreal film from writer/director G. Gotham Smith that asks if there is a mathematical constant that determines why some people never learn from their mistakes, but instead go through life in circles, […]
What’s going on with Mind Rip? Something strange and serpentine. Visit mindripmovie.com to find out more. Stop Motion Scaresnake – Raw Animation with Motion Blur from Mike Boas on Vimeo.
Recently, I’ve been doing some animated titles for Elijah Drenner of END Films, whom I previously worked with on American Grindhouse. These are fun assignments, usually done to imitate the style of other movies. For instance, here’s the opening to a piece on John Carradine, for Subkultur’s German DVD release of Gallery of Horrors. For […]