I’m a horror fan. I’m also an animator. It’s only natural for me to want to combine the two in the projects I’m working on, but until recently there haven’t been too many horror cartoons. That’s about to change with some upcoming shows and movies. The Corpse Bride Coming in September is a stop motion […]
When I look back on my favorite movies of this year, the two at the top of the list (Batman Begins and Sin City) are both based on comic books. Does this mean I’m a real geek for that sort of thing, or do comic books actually have quality stories to offer? Here’s a look […]
Every year I like to watch the Cannes Film Festival awards ceremonies on Bravo. I either missed the awards this year, or Bravo didn’t air them, so I tripped on over to Roger Ebert’s website to read his in-depth reports. Here are some of the movies he mentions that sound intriguing this year. Match Point […]
I’ve been riding a Bruce Campbell wave all week. I bought his new book a few days ago, read a great interview with him last night, and woke up to hear Brother Wease interview him on WCMF this morning. Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way isn’t like other books. Bruce calls it an autobiographical novel. […]
What’s the definition of rock ‘n roll? Is holding a public audition in the form of a game show a rebellious move? Is this how true art is made? Or is this the ultimate example of “corporate” rock? Replacing a lead singer is always risky, of course. Even bands that made the shift successfully went […]
Cinematical.com has been running features on fan films lately, and “Jason: The Rebirth” made the cut. Peter Sciretta writes: “The animation is better than you’d expect, with a style of its own” TDavid writes: “That washed out green/black texture for the fanfilm has its own dark flavor to it. This is actually much better than […]
Seeing Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was quite an experience. First off, I loved it. I recognize its flaws, but I think the movie rocks in spite of them. People who know me know that I’m a huge fan. (I’ve subscribed to the fan club magazine for 15 years.) That puts me in a […]
The “Friday the 13th” 25th anniversary celebration was a big success. I heard from Eben, convention head honcho: “Yours and Rupert Takes Manhattan were winners. Yours screened on a 10 foot screen facing Hollywood blvd. all night (looped) on Thurs. night a ‘coming attraction’ for the weekend. It was a cool spectacle.” So I’m imagining […]
Rochester jam band The Niche played a gig in Plattsburgh on Friday. My buddy Ryan DeClerck did a groovy Friday the 13th themed poster for the show. Just thought some folks would get a kick out of it, so I’m posting it here: For more of Ryan’s psychedelic artwork, visit http://www.aliencountry.org/
Nothing bleeds like a head wound. E.R. cranked up the ick-factor last night, perhaps to make up for the last two episodes, which were relatively bloodless. The gratuitous moment of the night involved a man, writhing in agony, who had some sort of accident with fire or chemicals or something. (That’s the sort of detail […]