Alien 3

From monks to prisoners, this sequel had a strange up and down journey. (Personally, I never forgave them for killing off Hicks and Newt before the plot even kicked in.) It’s unclear to me who wrote the first draft, seeing how there’s one credited to Twohy and one to Ward and Fasano. Perhaps multiple writers…

The Thing 2

Treatment by Garry A. Piazza I’m not crazy about this one. Leave The Thing alone. It had a great ambiguous ending that would be undercut by a sequel. Download treatment

A Scanner Darkly

by Charlie Kaufman Kaufman is a hot screenwriter. The source material is by hot adaptee Philip K. Dick, master of the sci-fi mindbender. What’s not to love? Well, when Richard Linklater took on the movie, he wrote his own screenplay instead. Download screenplay


by Robert Rodriguez While waiting for the greenlight on Desperado, Rodriguez was commissioned to write the third Predator movie. Since the Aliens and Predator franchises merged, there seemed to be little chance this one would be made. But in April 2009, Variety reported that the project was back on the table. Read a script review…


by William Gibson Did you ever see Johnny Mnemonic? Ignore the overall quality of the movie for a moment… Did you at least like the idea of jacking your brain into the internet? Gibson’s novel Neuromancer conveyed that in a fun and exciting way. The book was optioned, and Chuck Russell turned in a draft….

Escape from L.A.

Treatment by Peter Briggs Peter Briggs, without invitation, wrote a spec treatment for an Escape from New York sequel. His treatment had nothing to do with the actual movie. Read the synopsis, originally posted at Looker Online.