Freddy vs. Jason

New Line commissioned tons of scripts for this project. They spun their wheels for several years, and then produced a movie that was good, clean, mediocre fun. Sure, I liked it, but I think that had more to do with director Ronny Yu than the quality of the writing. Briggs’ script is notable for its…

Aliens Vs. Predator

by Peter Briggs This script was written as a spec, based on the Dark Horse comic. Briggs didn’t option the property first (as is the accepted practice), but the script was actually purchased by Fox anyway. Things fell apart when they decided to go ahead with Alien Resurrection instead. The final Alien vs. Predator utilizes…

Escape from L.A.

Treatment by Peter Briggs Peter Briggs, without invitation, wrote a spec treatment for an Escape from New York sequel. His treatment had nothing to do with the actual movie. Read the synopsis, originally posted at Looker Online.