Month: April 2009

  • Gamers Pagecount=5

    I’m learning to ignore the fear and just do it. So far I’ve failed at waking up and writing before work, but at least I forced myself to sit down tonight. What makes it easier is the outline. I know what has to happen in each scene. I just have to invent characters and words […]

  • Gamers Pagecount=2

    The first two pages represent a head start, something I wrote a year ago. You can read along on the “script in progress” page or download the PDF from the link below. gamers090401.pdf

  • Gamers Pagecount=0

    So what is Gamers, anyway? It’s a cross-dimensional action adventure about two people who fall in love while saving multiple universes from destruction. Really, it’s gonna be great. The Script in Progress Usually when I write, it’s a solitary effort. With Gamers, I’m going to post my pages each day for the world to read. […]