Day: October 24, 2008

  • Movie Swiss Cheese

    I’m somewhat ashamed to admit there are holes in my movie knowledge. For some of my favorite directors (like Peter Jackson, Robert Rodriguez, or Tim Burton), I’ve seen their entire filmographies. For others, there are gaps. So here’s a list of movies-to-see-so-I-can-call-myself-a-true-fan. BRIAN DE PALMA Uneven, but always stylish. Some of his early films are […]

  • Friday the 13th Reboot

    How do you market a remake to fans of the original and new, younger audiences? By letting Pamela Voorhees tell the story of what happened to her son. I have to say, the trailer does a good job of summing up the franchise for the uninitiated and fans alike. Friday The 13th in HD I’m […]