The Lord of the Rings was a big success and based on a popular fantasy series. Naturally, some producers have looked around for similar properties to adapt in the hopes of riding the fantasy wave. We’ve already seen the first Narnia chronicle adapted, as well as several Tolkien documentaries and reissues of the animated LOTR and Wizards. Here’s a look at what else Tolkien’s success has wrought.

Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King

This feature premieres as a mini-series on SciFi this week, but it’s also being released on DVD at the same time. I scratched my head when the commercials hyped it as the best story to pre-date the Lord of the Rings. With the world’s blandest title, I somehow doubted it. After doing some research, I see that its original (European) title was Ring of the Nibelungs. Now that makes more sense. Yes, the Germanic myths that were the basis for Wagner’s operas did have a certain influence on Tolkien. I guess the SciFi Channel didn’t trust its audience to watch anything with “nibelungs” in the title.

In the Name of the King: A Dragon Seige Tale

Although based on a video game, the title and content seem cribbed from LOTR. Director Uwe Boll has angered the fanboy community in the past, but I think this could be an entertaining flick (or two flicks, if they decide to cut it in half). Maybe entertaining in that so bad it’s good way, but still… Read more about the film here

These next ones are more directly related to Jackson’s films:

John Howe : There and Back Again

I’m looking forward to seeing this 52 minute documentary on one of the concept artists for Jackson’s LOTR series. If you’ve ever watched any of the extras on the extended editions, you’ll remember Howe as the artist who already owned his own suit of armour. Anyway, I’ve been a fan of his artwork for years, and the doc is an examination of the creative process. Not available for sale yet, but it’s still making the rounds to festivals. Be sure to check out the trailer on the film’s website.


A Tolkien fan film with a big budget look. Actually, it mimics the photography and costume’s of Jackson’s movies, but the creators have invented their own characters, story, and locations.

Almost There and Back Again

A tribute to Lord of the Rings fandom, this short chronicles a group of role-playing gamers travelling across New Zealand in full costume.