Had a great time on Thursday at The Bug Jar in Rochester. I went mainly because my friend Keith would be playing guitar, and got bonus enjoyment from the other two acts I saw.

I arrived too late for Chickenhead Jones, but instead walked in as “ShoEboX” was strutting and fretting onstage. Timothy F. Crist (A.K.A. ShoEboX) actually performs as Worm Quartet. I know, that’s a lot of names for a guy singing along to a CD player. But he made the most of it, and damn if he wasn’t funny. Great voice and great production on the pre-recorded music. He’s probably heard it before, but he’s like a dirty Weird Al. I bought both his albums.

Next came Powered by Satan, which (again) was just one man. But he really put himself out there. Powered by Satan is more absurdist comedy than strictly music, which was obvious from the minute he stripped to his red leotard complete with devil horns and a tail. I’ve been singing his mantra to BEEF ever since.

Finally came Peachy Neachy, which I found hard to get a bead on. They started with 8 people on stage (including Keith) doing a couple folk numbers. Great female singer and fiddle playing. Then began the musical chairs. The keyboardist became the singer, the harp player went to the keyboard, and the singer and violinist sifted into the audience. Out came the Ozzy and Zappa covers. Eventually their woman singer played some keyboards too. So the structure was loose (Setlist? What setlist?) but the music was fun. Plus, Keith got the chance to do some blazing stunt guitar work.

Keep rockin!

  1. Heh heh heh. One has not truly lived until they’ve experienced the Peachy Neachies live.

    Incidentally, that End of the Line subway DVD is most excellent.