is the best resource on the net for researching urban legends. You know, those “true” horror stories that you heard really happened to a friend of your cousin’s roommate. Legends about killer pop rocks, stolen kidneys, and killers with hooks for hands. They also deal with the sources of more mundane myths, like Nigerian spam emails and false quotes attributed to Andy Rooney.

Apparently they get some pretty strange requests for information. And rather than let these unanswered questions disappear into the ether, they’ve posted a huge list of the funniest, most urgent sounding emails. You can check out the complete list at

Here’s a few of my favorites:

Has anyone had to cut off their tongue because it frozen to a flagpole?

I just read a blurb that pre-packaged foods can cause people to turn gay because of too much estrogen. If I was only allowed one question for snopes, I would ask if this is true. Is it?

They say that if a person has a pet cat and dies, if the person’s body is not found fairly soon after death, the cat, having not been fed, will become ravenously hungry and eat the dead person’s face off — JUST the face! Is this true? My cat often looks me in the face. I used to think he was just being friendly. Now I know he’s just sizing me up, like a chef at a butcher shop, waiting for “the big day”. Since hearing this rumor, every time my cat licks his chops it gives me the willies!

People who get bite by a spider then get large bump on their body. The bump then erupps into hundereds of baby spiders. Can that realy happen?

Can people see into your house if it’s darker in your house than it is outside? When I look around at other houses that don’t have lights on, I see darkness, a reflection or only what is immediately in front of the window (curtains, plants, etc.). As a result, I tend to act as though no one can see what I’m doing inside as long as the lights are off and there is no other source of light illuminating me. My wife, however, is often appalled by this behavior. Should she be appalled, or am I correct?

I’ve been told that if you snort powdered glass as you would cocaine, you will die. Is this just a rumor, or would it actually happen?

A friend of mine asked me if I’ve ever hear of invisible witches or ghosts that suck the blood out of a person’s arm while they are sleeping. Apparently, she saw “marks” on her boyfriend’s arm and this was the story that he told her.

My friend swears that you can’t be prosecuted for stealing a dead body because it has no intrinsic value. Is this true?

can you tell me how i would analyze the effect each statistic has on the world.

If you sneeze and get into an accident, are you still at fault? Are there any laws?

how much would a penguin egg cost to buy and ship to texas email me as soon as you get the answer to this question bcuz i would like to buy a penguin egg so please email me asap!!!

Is the government really as controlling and secretive as books make them out to be? Are there really tons and tons of secret spies all over the world?

can you tell me if there any subjects that have not been tainted by an urban legend in anyway shape or form?

Can you give me ANY statistics about urban legends on the internet? Anything!!! My speech is due monday and I have to have a few statistics in it.

does anyone here bilieve that there are aliens in other planets? who really made us is there really a god? im not saying there isnt but who made god? seriously please answer back at me