I have a certain fondness for good movies that most people have never heard of. I love tracking down unheralded gems on video and then lending them out to friends: “Here! You won’t believe how good this is!”

I had never heard of Just Before Dawn before catching a screening of the 80s hillbilly slasher at Cinema Wasteland. I loved it, and wondered why it hadn’t been put out on DVD. Well, I didn’t have long to wait, because Media Blasters is releasing it in the coming months. That’s cool, except it’s a bummer that director Jeff Lieberman is not involved for some reason. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll be picking it up and then spreading the joy to others.

Read about the DVD specs at Dread Central

Lieberman’s latest film is Satan’s Little Helper, which sounds really screwed up (in a good way). Hopefully it will get decent distribution.

EDITED TO ADD: It looks like Lieberman will be contributing a commentary to the Just Before Dawn disc after all. Right on!